Today is the official day of Peace around the world. Did you know there was such a day? It became an official "holiday" On September 7, 2001. And each year this wonderful day spreads wider around the world.
Today I made a commitment to teach my children about the importance of a day when we all stop and do something, anything, for a peaceful world.
Can you even imagine how wonderful it would be for just ONE DAY guns were put down, and bombs weren't killing innocent people. It makes me feel like there is hope for our troubled world.
Please take a moment to check out the website Peace One Day and watch this video to learn how it all started and what you can do to help bring peace to our world.
"If you build a house you start with one brick. If we want to build peace, why not start with one day? And that day has arrived." -Jeremy Gilley - Founder of Peace One Day
Peace One Day: Introduction
Happy Peace Day Everyone!
(Sunday Signspotting is below, I thought this was important enough to have 2 posts today)
Ta Ta for now