One of the key's to my success so far has been my emotions. I used to try and lose weight for the wrong reasons: love, affection, attention, happiness... Nope, never worked. It wasn't until I decided to do it for ME that I saw results.
A few of my fellow blogger buddies have asked what my weigh loss regimen is. So here you go...
I joined a local Weight Watchers group and completely changed my eating habits. I used to eat fast food every day, shameful I know. And now I snack on cut up fruits and veggies from my fridge. I don't eat perfect all the time, but I make a conscious effort to make good choices.
Some simple changes our family has made are switching white rice for brown rice, eating more salads, not using mayonnaise, and the biggest help for me: Not eating out all the time.
Another big change was joining a gym, and actually going! At first every part of me hurt, but slowly it got easier and easier. Soon a habit had formed and now when I miss a day I feel SO guilty.
I try and work out at least 4 days a week, and on days when I just can't I do something physical (walk the dogs, ride bikes with the kids, do sit ups in the living room, etc.)
I wish there was an easy way to lose weight, to build muscle mass and lose fat. The real answer is it takes hard work, and patience because it doesn't happen over night. I wish it did!
There is a long road ahead still, but I'll make it one pound at a time :) So what's my goal weight? Not sure... I am more concerned with being fit and strong. I want muscle, I want to be toned, I want my body to look like p!nk:
DO you have any tips, struggles, or successes you'd like to share?
au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...