Sick Foods
My Munchkin isn't feeling well, I think he has a little chest cold. Poor guy :( We leave for California on Wednesday to visit family and I would hate for him to miss out on adventures with his cousins due to illness.
As a little girl, when I was sick my mom would always give me flat soda, toast (cut into triangles of course) and chicken noodle soup. It always warmed me up and made me feel better. Even today whenever I have these items I smile and remember my mom taking care of me.
I have the soup all ready for my little man. I hope my munchkins look back on these memories and smile as well. As a mom now, I understand why my mom did these things. It is heart breaking to watch your kids suffer, even the tiniest bit.
What did your mom or dad do for you when you were a sick child? Do you do the same things for your kids?
Ta Ta for now