
Colorful Toes

(picture of our colorful toes may not load...internet problems, go figure!)
Can you tell we've been stuck at home due to gas prices? I have had to be more creative when it comes to entertaining the munchkins.

Last night Audrey and I had a toe painting party. She picked out the colors (all of them) and mommy had to do her set and mine the same. Needless to say, my nails look like a fruit loop factory exploded! Oh well, that's what us moms do, crazy things to make our kids happy. We had a nice time getting "pretty" together.

Today the kids and I are heading over to the park for a play date with friends (we do this every Wednesday). It's a great way to get them dirty and tired. I am not quite sure what we will do this evening. Maybe another round of Junior Monopoly, it's only the 100th time this week. *Ahhaahaaahhaa SAVE ME!*

This economic crunch has actually been very good for our family. We've been forced to think outside of the box when it comes to doing things together at home. Sure, I have my moments when i feel like I am trapped in the box, but all in all it has been fun. We've caught a baby frog and made it a cool new home, we've had light-sabber jedi fights in the livingroom, the kids have learned how to play computer games all by them selves! So I guess I should say "thank you Mr. Government" but, that just doesn't sound right.

How about this "Thank you God for blessing me with 2 beautiful children I have the pleasure of enjoying everyday."

Yeah, that is much better.

Ta Ta for now

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