OK, so week three at Weight Watchers and.... now I've lost a total of 13.8 pounds! I am so shocked, don't know why though because I am working my butt off (literally). Guess I just assumed by large behind was here to stay and to see the pounds coming off is just something I didn't expect!
There are 2 more weeks of school. Most moms are counting down the days till they get to sleep later and just relax. NOT ME. My kids will wake up at the same time no matter what season it is and what in the world am I going to do to keep them busy with all summer so they stay outta my hair????
My hubby has been working a ton and has been driving me nuts. Why is it when they work hard all day they feel the need to come home and be a booty face? And I am honestly not sure if he even knows Mother's Day is coming. We shall see...
I have started making some new friends (in real life, ha ha) out here in Arizona. I am so glad to have some one to wave and smile at when I drop my munchkin off at school. Alone time has been needed after this move, but the time has come to actually hand out with real adults :)
My parents will be here for the weekend. Tomorrow night we will be going out without the kids, just like last time when they were here. I'll post pictures if my mom gets another lap dance, hee hee
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend!
Ta Ta for now