Photo Challenge
Leslie over at JAM's Own Reality tagged me for a photo challenge. I am not very good at organizing my pictures on my computer, they are all in one big folder. I wasn't quite sure how to randomly select 2 photos, so I let my kids help! They each picked a number and I counted the pictures, ta-da! Here's what we came up with:
This picture was taken March 2009 on my sons birthday. My cousin Mike bought the munchkin a squirt gun and chased him outside to show him how well it worked!
This was taken October of 2005, the mini-munchkin has always loved books, and this may be where it all began :)Thank you Leslie, that was fun! If you would like to play along, feel free and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will be getting ready for our vacation back east, I can't wait! au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...