
Locked Out... Again

This morning was quite entertaining around my house...

I locked myself out of the house. In my jammies, no bra, hair pulled up and not brushed yet. In the cold, no phone, and needed to pick the kids up from preschool within the hour. Get the picture? Yeah, it was fun! *grrrr*

Thanks goodness my neighbors mom happened to be home so I could call the hubby. I would have been wandering all over town half naked, in search of a phone. 3o minutes later my knight in shining armor came driving down the street to let me back in the house.

Sadly, this isn't the first time I have locked myself out of the house. I do it often. But, I have never been so vulnerable and in need of saving. I used to have 2 spare keys hidden just for this occasion but they got packed up this weekend.

Thank you sweet heart, what would I do without you?

(I'd be a naked street walker apparently!)

Ta Ta for now
