Well guess what? I'm not a rapper. (Shocking, yes I know, I come across as so gangsta sometimes!) Do you want to see my fridge anyway? Sure you do!
Look at all that good stuff! Trust me, it hasn't always looked that way (remember, my way too young hubby who almost had a heart attack last week *eek!*) We have gutted the fridge and pantry of anything dangerous for him. Meaning all the sugary, fatty goodies. Now it's filled with Salmon fillets, locally grown fruits and veggies, organic yogurts, Edamame, flavored waters, natural peanut butter, healthy eggs and much more. Oh and a little yummy Champagne to keep me sane. ha ha.
This dietary change has been so easy when my husbands life is on the line. We've had so much fun discovering new recipes and weird new foods we didn't even know existed! Like these yummy snacks:
Yellow carrots! WHAT?! That's so cool! Sure I know it's a little stupid to be excited about carrots of another color. But when you're limited on what you can eat the small changes make a big difference. And they taste so good too!
OK. hummm... I guess this isn't really like MTV Cribs, but I hope you had fun peeking in my refrigerator. I am always looking for new ways to cook a vegetable so any ideas you have I'll take'em.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and if you maybe ate a little too much around the table with family or while baking cookies for Santa then eat your veggies!
au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...