Someone up above is truly looking out for us. Today our house here in Arizona went into escrow. That's right, you heard me!
We sold our home in under 30 days!! The price was a little low, but it is still workable.
A few weeks ago I flew back east to look for a rental property for our family...
It was a disaster. There wasn't a single home suitable to rent anywhere, I was pretty stressed out. While I was there I looked at a few homes for sale just cause they looked interesting online. Well, I fell
in love with one (go figure.)
Since we didn't have the ability to buy the home while we were still trying to sell the home in Arizona
my parents bought it for us!! The deal is once we sell this place and get on our feet we will buy it back from them. HOW COOL ARE THEY?!
It has been an emotional roller coaster, but I am proud to say
we are blessed beyond words. OK people here it is, our home in South Carolina:
It's a Log Cabin! It is so cute, I wish I could have you all come over once we get moved in and have a party :) We are so excited. My son can't wait to go fishing
(there's a creek that runs on our property) and my daughter is super thrilled to be living in a
"Lincoln log home." I can't wait to get there and take a huge sigh of relief. This move/home are here for the long haul. We are DONE.
Thank you all for hanging in there with me. Now comes moving day count down... We shove outta here
December 17th, which means we will make it to our new place by Christmas Eve.
au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...