
Best Cleaning Lady Ever!!

I know the most amazing woman. If you or anyone you know needs a wonderful cleaning lady call Tina Gorman from "Tina's Tidy Service."

She is based out of Mt. Pleasant, SC her number is (843)817-0202.
I am amazed at her attention to detail. But call quick, she's has a LONG waiting list :)

There's your handy tip for the day!!

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...



Curl Up With A Good Book...

I LOVE to read, something I am glad to say I have passed on to my children. But, I seem to always struggle with what to read once I finish ax book. I always feel lost after a good book. "what do I read now???" Swirls in my head till just the right book presents itself to me.

Due to my indecisive, book needing nature I decided to start a very simple book review/suggestion web site, Chatter in Print. This is open to ANYONE who wants to contribute. The more the merrier!!!

I would love to have a nice little database for anyone in need of a new great read. So you in? Wanna be a contributor? All the cool kids are doing it! Well, OK maybe not but still, I know you want to, ha ha.

Here's all you need to do:

Write about the book. This can be an excerpt from Goodreads.com, Amazon, the back cover, anywhere. Just give credit for material you get from other places.

Write your review of the book. Easy peasey, was it good or not?

How many stars would you give the book out of 5.
1 out of 5 = this was the worst book ever
5 out of 5 = i will read this book again and again!

E-mail me at chatterbox1213@gmail.com and I will add your book review to the web site. Don't worry, you'll get credit and it will link people back to your blog :)

This site is slow going, I have added a few books and I could sure use your advice on what to read next!

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...



Where's Waldo, Souther Style

Thank you all for your well wishes on this next chapter in our life. It means so much to me :) I am often amazed at the healing power of blogging, It's amazing what a little pat on the back or a "hang in there" can do.

I was surprised at how many of y'all wanted to know which town in South Carolina we will be moving back to.

Didn't realize there was so many people living near, or passing through SC.

Now, no stalking please. I've had enough blogger paparazzi. Yeah, I saw you in the bushes taking pictures!! (ha ha)

Our little town is called Hartsville, South Carolina. Come on by and visit when we get back!

It's your typical small southern town.
You know what I'm talking about:
Walmart, hardware store run by 90 year old man, kids running down the sidewalk in overalls, pickup trucks covered in deer hunting bumper stickers, and breakfast joints that specialize in making grits. Oh and don't even get me started on how seriously the people in this town take their college football! Oh my goodness, heaven forbid you root for the wrong team!

We can't wait to get back. :)

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...



Hello From The Trenches!

Hey Everyone! How have you all been? Geez, I have missed the "blog-sphere" but have also enjoyed the break. What has been going on you ask? Most of you were correct in your guess that we are moving. I couldn't come on here and talk about my husbands job hunting till he had something firmed up, heaven forbid someone from his current job found out and we were jobless because of MY blog. I would have never lived that down!

OK, on to more important things...

Where are we moving? You will never guess, nope not in a million years...

Spanish moss, warm southern rain, small town...

Good fried chicken, millions of mosquito's, front porch rockin'...

Green growth everywhere, humid nights, fireflies...

Friends, family, home...

Is any of this ringing a bell? Obviously we're moving back to the southeast, but the plot thickens, we're moving back to the SAME TOWN we moved from to get to Arizona!? How crazy is that?

I wanted more for my children then I thought a small southern town could offer, but what I have come to realize is we had it all to begin with. Great friends, a great community, life was good. Luckily my hubby's old job has wanted him back since the moment we left, so getting a position there was pretty easy (it's an even better position than he had before we moved!).

Doesn't the saying "The grass isn't always greener" come to mind? ha ha

Now for the yucky, not fun stuff... Trying to sell our home. I LOVE this house, you all know the time we've spent painting & decorating it. It's perfect, just in the wrong place. I really wish the tornado from the "Wizard of Oz" would pick my home up and drop it down in South Carolina. But, that won't happen, bummer. Our house is on the market now, we've had a few lookers but nothing has come of it yet. Also when we get back to SC we have to rent for awhile, not a big deal for most, but you try renting a home with 3 dogs!!! Impossible.

There is a lot on our plate right now, so far I have dealt with the stress pretty well. I've only had one melt down in a restaurant parking lot sobbing into my hubby's arms. My hubby begins his new (old) job in December, if the home doesn't sell by then I will be staying in Arizona till it does with the munchkins and pups.

Please keep us in your prayers for an easy transition and guidance as life once again takes another crazy turn in our life. And if you know anyone looking for a home in AZ let me know *wink wink*

*pictures from Hartsville - The Art of Good Living web site

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...
