These are the feeling surging through me right now. We have officially decided to educate our children at home. Not because their current school is bad, but because we feel we can show them more. I want them to be able to explore any topic as deeply as they want, and to sore at their own pace. I want the best for them.
But there is this huge voice screaming in my head "ARE YOU CRAZY?!"
Am I?
My son is in the gifted and talented program in his school, I just found out today that my daughter made it in as well. I am proud beyond words. But we are taking them out. That sounds nutty. I want every subject they learn to be dissected the way those gifted classes do it. I believe we can do that at home. I Hope we can do that at home.
They will not be "homeschooled" in the traditional sense of the word. They will be attending an online charter school. I believe my kids need that teacher interaction and classroom setting they find familiar. Yes they will still have many friends, yes they will meet up with classmates face to face, yes they will get a well rounded education and socialization.
But I'm still scared.
It's different.

It's terrifying.
Infront of the everyone it's "oh we're so excited! We'll have great opportunities to broaden their minds. They can speed up or slow down whenever they want! We can learn subject in a whole new way. The kids can't wait!" but inside I am saying "AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
I have heard from many who decided to educate their children at home that it get's easier with time, that we will fall into a rhythm and it will be great. I am anxiously awaiting that point so I can quiet the nerves inside me.
The fear of the unknown is something I usually do not have any issues with, but when it involves my children and their education I do. I don't want to derail their learning in any way.
I am immersing myself in how to teach them best. When I focus on all the good points of this decision and what needs to be done to prepare It seems less scary.
Everyone around me is so encouraging, and that helps tremendously.
I just needed to type out my anxieties in hopes that they will subside.
This new adventure is coming, mama better get ready!
But seriously, Am I Crazy?!
*deep breathes*
*deep breathes*
*deep breathes*
au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...